壺井仁将 (Akimasa Tsuboi) :「超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器のための電波反射測定実験」, 2014 Graduation thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2015)
JM. Chiba, T. Kamijo, F. Yabuki, H. Yano, M. Utsumi and M. Fujii : "Research and Development of an Ultra-high-energy Neutrino Detector Using Radar Reflection", JAEA-Review 2014-050, 4-29, p.157 (March 2015)
千葉雅美,矢野浩之,上條敏生,矢吹文昭,井ノ原祐介 ,小串勇太 ,近匡 ,清水裕,近重悠一,内海倫明,藤井政俊:「レーダー法による岩塩と氷を検出媒質とした超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器の開発研究ーシミュレーション」, 大学開放研究室 第9回先進原子力科学技術に関する連携重点研究討論および各成果報告会, 茨城県三の丸庁舎 (2014-8-6)
井ノ原 祐介 (Yusuke Inohara) :「低温環境実験室における500MHz摂動空洞共振器を用いた氷の誘電率の測定」, 2013 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2014)
小串 勇太 (Yuta Ogushi) :「低温環境実験室における1GHz摂動空洞共振器を用いた氷の誘電率の測定」, 2013 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2014)
矢野 浩之(Hiroyuki Yano): 「超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器のための電波反射測定とシミュレーション」, 2013 Master thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2014) pdf
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Hiroyuki Yano, Fumiaki Yabuki, Yuichi Chikashige, Yusuke Inohara, Tadashi Kon, Yuta Ogushi, Yutaka Shimizu, Michiaki Utsumi and Masatoshi Fujii: "Radar Chamber for Detection of UHE Neutrinos", The 7th International Workshop on Very High Energy Particle Astronomy, - Next Generation Explorer for Cosmic Ray Origin - (VHEPA2014) , Media Hall, Kashiwa Library, Kashiwa Campus of The University of Tokyo, (March 20, 2014) pdf
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Takahiro Tanikawa, Hiroyuki Yano, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Souichirou Watanabe, Michiaki Utsumi, Masatoshi Fuji:”Measurement of a Phase of a Radio Wave Reflected from Rock Salt and Ice Irradiated by an Electron Beam for Detection of Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos”, AIP Conf. Proc. 1535, 45-50 (July 2013) ; http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4807519
渡辺 俊一郎 (Shunichirou Watanabe) :「低温環境実験室(−30℃)におけるニュートリノ検出器開発の為の氷の誘電率測定」, 2012 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2013)
T. Tanikawa, M, Chiba, T. Kamijo, F. Yabuki, O. Yasuda, H. Akiyama, Y. Chikashige, T. Kon, Y. Shimizu, M. Utsumi and M. Fujii: "Measurement of Radio Wave Reflection due to Rock Salt and Ice Irradiated by an Electron Beam for an Ultra-high-energy Neutrino Detector", JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2012-046, 4-36, p.152 (January 2013)
Takahiro Tanikawa, Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Hidetoshi Akiyama, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Michiaki Utsumi, and Masatoshi Fujii :"Measurement of radio wave reflection due to temperature rising from rock salt and ice irradiated by an electron beam for an ultra-high-energy neutrino detector", ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES 2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1484, pp. 390-393; doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4763430 (13 November 2012)
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Takahiro Tanikawa, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Hidetoshi Akiyama, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Michiaki Utsumi, and Masatoshi Fujii: "An ultra-high-energy-neutrino detector using rock salt and ice as detection media for radar method", ORIGIN OF MATTER AND EVOLUTION OF GALAXIES 2011, AIP Conf. Proc. 1484, pp. 409-411; doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4763436 (13 November 2012)
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Takahiro Tanikawa, Hiroyuki Yano, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Shunichirou Watanabe, Michiaki Utsumi, Masatoshi Fujii: ,"Measurement of Phase of Radio Wave Reflected from Rock Salt and Ice Irradiated by an Electron Beam for Detection of Ultra-High-Energy Neutrinos", The 5th international workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities (ARENA 2012) Erlangen Castle,, Germany, 19-22 June 2012 (2012-6)
伊藤 昇吾 (Shogo Ito) :「超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器のための氷の誘電率測定と温度特性」, 2011 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2012)
Takahiro Tanikawa, Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Hidetoshi Akiyama, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Michiaki Utsumi, Masatoshi Fujii: "Measurement of radio wave reflection in rock salt and ice for detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos" , 11th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG11), November 14-17, 2011 Wako, Japan, P-47 (2011-11)
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Takahiro Tanikawa, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Hidetoshi Akiyama, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Michiaki Utsumi, Masatoshi Fujii: "An ultra-high-energy-neutrino detector using rock salt and ice as detection media for radar method", 11th International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG11) , November 14-17, 2011 Wako, Japan, P-59 (2011-11)
谷川孝浩,上條敏生,千葉雅美,安田修,矢吹文昭,秋山英俊,近匡,清水裕,近重悠一,内海倫明,藤井政俊:「超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器のための電子ビーム照射による誘電体温度上昇と電波反射測定」,第6回高崎量子応用研究シンポジウム,2P-50 (2011-10)
中矢 聖華 (Seika Nakaya) :「300MHz摂動空洞共振器を用いた電波減衰長の測定」, 2010 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2011)
秋山 英俊(Hidetoshi Akiyama): 「超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器のためのVHF-UHF空洞共振器による岩塩の電波減衰長測定」, 2010 Master thesis, Seikei University (March 2011)
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Hidetoshi Akiyama, Yuichi Chikashige, Hiromi Kataoka, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Yasuyuki Taniuchi, Michiaki Utsumi and Masatoshi Fujii: "Radar for detection of ultra-high-energy neutrinos reacting in a rock salt dome", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , Elsevier B.V. (2010-12) Available online 9 December 2010
片岡 裕美 (Hiromi Kataoka) :「1GHzにおける試料挿入摂動共振器を用いた電波減衰長の測定」, 2009 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2010)
林 里沙 (Risa Hayashi) :「岩塩を利用した超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器に関する基礎研究」, 2009 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2010)
渡辺 大輔(Daisuke Watanabe: 「超高エネルギーニュートリノ岩塩検出器のための単パルス電源によるダイポールアンテナの励起光率 」, 2009 Graduation thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2010)
Masami Chiba, Yoko Arakawa, Toshio Kamijo, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Yuichi Chikashige, Keisuke Ibe, Tadashi Kon, Yutaka Shimizu, Yasuyuki Taniuchi, Michiaki Utsumi and Masatoshi Fujii: "Radar for salt ultra-high-energy neutrino detector and contribution of W-gluon fusion process to collision of neutrinos against protons", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, ARENA 2008 , Volume 604, Issues 1-2, Supplement 1, 1 June 2009, Pages S233-S235 (2009)
荒川 葉子(Yoko Arakawa): 「レーダー法による超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出の為の岩塩の電波減衰長の測定」, 2008 Master thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2009)
沼沢 栄佑(Eiji Numazawa): 「岩塩ニュートリノ検出器のための電波反射の岩塩温度依存性 」, 2008 Graduation thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2009)
千葉雅美:"超高エネルギーGZKニュートリノ検出のための岩塩ニュートリノ検出器", 第2回日本学術会議シンポジウム,『天文学・宇宙物理学の展望:長期計画の策定に向けて』,東京大学 小柴ホール (2008-5/31〜6/1)
Masami Chiba, Yoko Arakawa, Toshio Kamijo, Shunsuke Nakamura, Yuji Shibasaki, Yasuhiro Takayama, Yusuke Watanabe, Fumiaki Yabuki, Osamu Yasuda, Akio Amano, Yuichi Chikashige, Keisuke Ibe, Tadashi Kon, Sosuke Ninomiya, Yutaka Shimizu, Yoshito Takeoka, Yasuyuki Taniuchi, Michiaki Utsumi and Masatoshi Fujii:"Reflection of microwave from energy deposit by X-ray irradiation in rock salt: Implication of an ultrahigh energy salt neutrino detector to act like a radio bubble chamber", Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Supersymmetry and the Unification of Fundamental Interactions (SUSY07), Karlsruhe, Germany, 26 Jul. - 1 Aug. 2007 (2008) ISBN:9788073992682 (v.1)
中村 俊介(Shunsuke Nakamura): 「岩塩超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器におけるアンテナ特性と検出効率」, 2007 Master thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2008)
M Chiba, T Kamijo, Y Watanabe, M Fujii, Y Shibasaki, Y Takayama, F Yabuki, O Yasuda, A Amano, Y Chikashige, T Kon, S Mori, S Ninomiya, Y Shimizu, Y Takeoka and M Utsumi: "Measurement of Attenuation Length for Radio Wave in Natural Rock Salt and Performance of Detecting Ultra High-Energy Neutrinos", ARENA 2006, ACOUSTIC AND RADIO EeV NEUTRINO DETECTION ACTIVITIES 28, 30 June 2006, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 81, 012003 (2007)
近 匡・近重悠一・清水 裕・竹岡義人・天野晶夫・森 聡史・二宮壮介・千葉雅美・上條敏生: "超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出のための岩塩鉱の探索", 成蹊大学理工学研究報告, 44, 49-54 (2007)
柴崎 祐治(Yuji Shibasaki ): 「岩塩超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出実験用アンテナの考察」, 2006 Master thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2007)
二宮 壮介(Sosuke Ninomiya): 「300MHz試料挿入孔封鎖型摂動空洞共振器の改良とUHF帯における複素誘電率測定」, 2006 Master thesis, Seikei University (March 2007)
Masami Chiba, Yusuke Watanabe, Osamu Yasuda, Toshio Kamijo, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Akio Amano, Yoshito Takeoka, Yutaka Shimizu, Satoshi Mori, Sosuke Ninomiya: "MEASUREMENT OF ATTENUATION LENGTH FOR RADIO WAVE IN NATURAL ROCK SALT SAMPLES CONCERNING ULTRA HIGH ENERGY NEUTRINO DETECTION", Proc. of the International Workshop ACOUSTIC AND RADIO EeV NEUTRINO DETECTION ACTIVITIES (ARENA2005), DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA), Volume: 21, Supplement 1, pp.25-29, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd. (July 2006)
Yusuke Watanabe, Masami Chiba, Osamu Yasuda, Toshio Kamijo, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Akio Amano, Yoshito Takeoka, Yutaka Shimizu, Satoshi Mori, Sosuke Ninomiya: "STRUCTURE FUNCTION OF EXCESS CHARGE IN ROCK SALT", Proc. of the International Workshop ACOUSTIC AND RADIO EeV NEUTRINO DETECTION ACTIVITIES (ARENA2005), DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, International Journal of Modern Physics A (IJMPA), Volume: 21, Supplement 1, pp.50-54, World Scientific Publishing Co. Ltd. (July 2006)
渡邉 勇介 (Yusuke Watanabe) :”超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出実験における電磁シャワーからの電波発生の研究”, 2005 Master Thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2006)
天野 晶夫(Masao Amano): 「UHF帯における試料挿入孔封鎖型摂動共振器を用いた複素誘電率測定法 」, 2005 Master thesis, Seikei University (March 2006)
Masami Chiba, Yusuke Watanabe,Yasuhiro Takayama, Masatoshi Fujii, Osamu Yasuda, Fumiaki Yabuki, Yuji Shibasaki, Toshio Kamijo, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Akio Amano, Yoshito Takeoka, Utaka SHIMIZU, Satoshi Mori, Sosuke Ninomiya, Michiaki Utsumi: "Measurement of attenuation length for UHF radio wave in natural rock salt samples concerning ultra high energy neutrino detection", International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe, Kashiwa, Japan (2006-2)
Y.WATANABE, M.CHIBA, O.YASUDA, Y.SHIBASAKI, T.KAMIJO, Y.CHIKASHIGE, T.KON, Y.SHIMIZU, A.AMANO, Y.TAKEOKA, S.NINOMIYA, S.MORI: "Simulation of salt neutrino detector performance for Ultra High-Energy Neutrino Detection", International Workshop on Energy Budget in the High Energy Universe, Kashiwa, Japan (2006-2)
Y.WATANABE, M.CHIBA, O.YASUDA, Y.SHIBASAKI, T.KAMIJO, Y.CHIKASHIGE, T.KON, Y.SHIMIZU, A.AMANO, Y.TAKEOKA, S.NINOMIYA, S.MORI: "Electric field strength of coherent radio emission in rock salt concerning ultra high-energy neutrino detection", International Symposium on Origin of Matter and Evolution of Galaxies (OMEG05)-New Horizon of Nuclear Astrophysics and Cosmology, Koshiba Hall, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (2005-11)
Masami Chiba, Yusuke Watanabe, Osamu Yasuda, Toshio Kamijo, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Akio Amano, Yoshito Takeoka, Yutaka Shimizu, Satoshi Mori, Sosuke Ninomiya: "MEASUREMENT OF ATTENUATION LENGTH FOR RADIO WAVE IN NATURAL ROCK SALT SAMPLES CONCERNING ULTRA HIGH ENERGY NEUTRINO DETECTION", Proc. of the International Workshop ACOUSTIC AND RADIO EeV NEUTRINO DETECTION ACTIVITIES (ARENA2005), DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 (2005-5)
Yusuke Watanabe, Masami Chiba, Osamu Yasuda, Toshio Kamijo, Yuichi Chikashige, Tadashi Kon, Akio Amano, Yoshito Takeoka, Yutaka Shimizu, Satoshi Mori, Sosuke Ninomiya: "STRUCTURE FUNCTION OF EXCESS CHARGE IN ROCK SALT", Proc. of the International Workshop ACOUSTIC AND RADIO EeV NEUTRINO DETECTION ACTIVITIES (ARENA2005), DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, 17-19 (2005-5)
Masami Chiba:岩塩ニュートリノ検出器, 高エネルギー物理学研究者会議 先端技術, 2004
M. Chiba, T. Kamijo, O. Yasuda, Y. Chikashige, T. Kon, Y. Takeoka and R. Yoshida, SALT NEUTRINO DETECTOR FOR ULTRA-HIGH-ENERGY NEUTRINOS, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 67, 2050-2053(September 2004)
Toshio KAMIJO, Masami CHIBA, Osamu YASUDA, Yuichi CHIKASHIGE, Tadashi KON, Yoshihito TAKEOKA and Ryo YOSHIDA: Measurement of Complex Permittivity in the UHF Band Using a Perturbed Cavity Resonator without Sample Insertion Holes, Memoir of Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo Metropolitana University 2003, March 2004
吉田 亮 (Toru Yoshida) :「岩塩を利用した超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器に関する基礎研究−電子ビームによる干渉性チェレンコフ放射(アスカラヤン効果)の測定−」, 2003 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2004)
竹岡 義人 (Yoshito Takeoka) :「岩塩を利用した超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出器に関する基礎研究 -UHF帯における電波減衰長測定-」, 2003 Graduation thesis, Seikei University (March 2004)
Masami CHIBA, Toshio KAMIJO, Osamu YASUDA, Yuichi CHIKASHIGE, Tadashi KON, Yoshito TAKEOKA, Ryo YOSHIDA(Seikei Univ.): Salt Neutrino Detector for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos, NANP'03, IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on NON-ACCELERATOR NEW PHYSICS Dubna, Russia, June 23--28, 2003
Masami CHIBA, Toshio KAMIJ, Osamu YASUDA, Yuichi CHIKASHIGE, Tadashi KON, Yoshito TAKEOKA, Ryo YOSHIDA: Salt Neutrino Detector for Ultra-High Energy Neutrinos, 研究会 「ニュートリノと超新星爆発」, 東京大学理学部4号館1220号教室, 2003年2月20日(木)-22日(土)
Toshio KAMIJO and Masami CHIBA: Microwave properites of rock salt and limestone for the detection of UHE neutrinos, SPIE 2002 conference on Particle Astrophysics Instrumentation, at the Waikoloa Hilton, Kona, Hawaii, August 23-24, 2002.
Toshio KAMIJO, Masami CHIBA, Miho KAWAKI, Masahide Inuzuka:, Microwave Properties of Rock Salt and Limestone for Ultra-High Energy Neutrino Detector, Memoirs of Graduate School of Eng., Tokyo Metropolitan University, No.51,2001 (March 2002)
Masami Chiba, Toshio Kamijo, Miho Kawaki, Athar Husain, Masahide Inuzuka, Maho Ikeda and Osamu Yasuda: "Study of a Salt Neutrino Detector", RADHEP-2000 (First International Workshop on Radio Detection of High-Energy Particles), UUCLA Faculty Center University of California, Los Angeles November 16-18, 2000
pdf AIP Conf. Proc. 579, pp. 204-221; doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1398174 (18 pages) Web: RADHEP-2000
川木美穂 (Miho Kawaki): 「岩塩による超高エネルギーニュートリノ検出のための基礎実験 」, 2000 Graduation thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2001)
池田 真帆 (Maho Ikeda): 「岩塩によるニュートリノ探査に関する基礎実験 」, 2000 Graduation thesis, Tokyo Metropolitan University (March 2001)